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彭佩钦 教授

发布人: 发布日期:2015-02-07



彭佩钦,博士,教授,博士生导师,环境科学与工程学科学术带头人,稻米品质安全控制湖南省工程实验室副主任。长期从事环境土壤学和耕地重金属污染与修复方面教学与科研工作。湖南省重金属污染土壤治理专家组成员、湖南省耕地质量专家指导组成员、湖南省重金属污染耕地治理式休耕试点专家组成员。湖南省第三次全国土壤普查技术专家指导组成员;湖南省第三次全国土壤普查外业技术培训组主讲专家;湖南省第三次全国土壤普查剖面技术专家指导组成员;湖南省第三次全国土壤普查外业调查永州组组长;湖南省第三次全国土壤普查外业调查质量复核衡阳组组长。先后主持国家自然科学基金、农业农村部财政部重大试点专项、国家科技支撑计划专题等重要科研任务 20 余项,获湖南省科技进步二等奖2项、中国科学院科技进步三等奖2项、湖南省优秀博士论文奖1项。发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI/EI收录论文40余篇。 


1Wang, H., Wu, C., Zhang, H., Xiao, M., Ge, T., Zhou, Z., Peng, P.*.Chen, J*. Characterization of the belowground microbial community and co-occurrence networks of tobacco plants infected with bacterial wilt disease. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 202238(9), 1-14.

2Jianjun Qin Jian Long* , Peiqin Peng ** , Jing Huang, Shengshuang Tang, Hongbo Hou. Regrow Napier grass–Chinese milk vetch relay intercropping system: A cleaner production strategy in Cd-contaminated farmlandJournal of Cleaner Production 2022339130724.

3Qin, J., Wang, J., Long, J.*, Huang, J., Tang, S., Hou, H., Peng, P.* . Recycling of heavy metals and modification of biochar derived from Napier grass using HNO3. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022318115556.

4Ding, X., Chang, Y., Hou, H., Peng, P. *, Xiang, W.. Quantification of the sources of soluble organic N (SON) from new litter or indigenous soil in a typical subtropical forest. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, 32.8: 2528-2539.

5Li, X., Peng, P. *, Long, J. *, Dong, X., Jiang, K., Hou, H.. Plant-induced insoluble Cd mobilization and Cd redistribution among different rice cultivars. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 120494.

6Kai Jiang, Xiao Deng, Hang Zhou, Jian Long, Xia Dong, Jing Huang, Hong-bo Hou, Pei-qin Peng* , Bo-han Liao .  Health risk assessment of Cd pollution in irrigated paddy field system: A field investigation in Hunan Province, China, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2020, 1715203.3.


8Chen, Q., Peng, P. Q. *, Long, J., Li, X. Y., Ding, X., Hou, H. B., Liao, B. H.. Cadmium phytoavailability evaluation in rice-soil system using a field capacity-derived soil solution extraction: An entire growth period study insubtropical China. Soil and Tillage Research, 2019, 194: 104315.

9Qi Chen, Peiqin Peng*, Hongbo Hou, Xianqing Ding, Jian Long, Xinyang Li & Bohan Liao. Effects of soil properties on the Cd threshold in typical paddy soils using BCR sequential extraction. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2019, 25.8: 2160-2173.


11蒋凯,邓潇,周航,龙坚,李欣阳,董霞,王树兵,刘文辉,侯红波, 彭佩钦*,廖柏寒.湘中典型稻田系统Cd平衡分析[J].环境科学, 2019,40(07):3324-3330.

12Xinyang Li, Jian Long, Peiqin Peng*, Chen Qi, Dong Xia, Jiang Kai, Hou Hong-bo, Bohan Liao. Evaluation of Calcium Oxide of Quicklime and Si–Ca–Mg Fertilizer for Remediation of Cd Uptake in Rice Plants and Cd Mobilization in Two Typical Cd-Polluted Paddy Soils[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research, 2018: 12(6), 877-885











