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 发表时间:2021-04-26 17:24:00 点击次数:0


2011年毕业于信阳师范学院生命科学学院生物科学专业,获得理学学士学位;2011年至2014年毕业于厦门大学生命科学学院水生生物学专业,获得理学硕士学位;2015年到2020年于中国科学院大学沈阳应用生态研究所生态学专业攻读博士学位,2017-2018年在美国布朗大学(Brown University)进行联合培养,2020年获得理学博士学位。


主要利用稳定同位素技术开展氮循环相关研究,重点关注大气氮沉降来源及其对于生态系统氮循环的影响。目前已在EcologyEnvironment International Earth and Space Science 等主流期刊发表研究成果。



1.         Li ZJ, Hastings MG*, Walters WW, Tian LD, Clemens SC, Song LL, Shao LL, Fang YT*. Isotopic evidence that recent agriculture overprints climate variability in nitrogen deposition to the Tibetan Plateau. Environment International.2020, 138:105614.

2.         Li ZJ, Walters WW, Hastings MG, Song LL, Liu DW, Zhang YL, Zhang WQ, Pan YP, Fu PQ, Fang YT*. Seasonal variations of nitrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios of nitrate from precipitation in a Northeastern Chinese mega city. Earth and Space Science. 2019DOI:10.1029/2019EA000759.

3.         Li ZJ, Wang WQ, and Zhang YH*. Recruitment and herbivory affect spread of invasive Spartina alterniflora in China. Ecology. 2014. 95: 1972-1980;

4.         Lu WZ, Xiao JF*, Lei W, Du JQ, Li ZJ, et al., Human activities accelerated the degradation of saline seepweed red beaches by amplifying top-down and bottom-up forces. Ecosphere, 2018, 9(7): e02352.

5.         Huang SN, Elliott EM, Felix JD, Pan YP, Liu DW, Li SL, Li ZJ, et al., Seasonal pattern of ammonium 15N natural abundance in precipitation at a rural forested site and implications for NH3 source partitioning. Environmental Pollution, 247, 541-549, (2019).



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